Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Flu Season Is Awful!

Yep.  It's flu season in the wonderful state of Ohio.  We've had some sort of illness going through the house since the beginning of November.  It started with Zachary, he was pukey for a day, lethargic for a week, puked one more time and then he was done.  Then I got some wonderful upper respiratory thing, and then Amanda got the upper respiratory thing.  That cough lingers on forever, let me tell ya!  Today I noticed Amanda's cough had almost disappeared and mine was FINALLY getting much much better.  MacKenzie and Jake haven't gotten bit by the bug....yet.  Just as I thought we were turning the corner....

The stomach flu is awful for anyone.  Amanda comes home from school and seemed perfectly fine.  Then she's sitting in the living room and out of nowhere, she starts puking.  Great...  Now the upper respiratory thing was bad enough for her, but whenever she gets a stomach bug she is nearly inconsolable!  It's awful that I get so frustrated with her because of it.  I try and explain that if she continues to cry, she'll just make it worse.  That if she obsesses about the next time she's going to throw up, she makes it that much worse.  She doesn't just complain a little, we're talking loud sobbing!  As frustrating as it is for me, I was just taking some time to reflect just how bad this is for her.  No, she's not feeling well, and her tummy hurts, but I can't conceive the pain for her.  Tummy aches are bad for anyone, but put extreme sensory issues with that.  She is so uber aware of everything that goes on with her body, a tummy ache must be torture!

It took me just tonight to really think about this.  Imagine if you will the last time you had the stomach flu.  Remember the misery.  Now try and think back to that time, and multiply it by 1000.  If you have super-sensory issues and everything that happens is multiplied by the fact that your brain makes you SO AWARE of every little twinge you feel, my God!  How horrible!  Her tolerance to your typical pains such as stubbing your toe, hitting your funny bone etc is amazing.  But when she has something going on internally that's something entirely different for her.  Her menstrual cramps are awful for her too.  Ugh!  The poor thing.  So as awful as this is for me to watch, it is unfathomable for me to understand how miserable this is for her.

I pray this is a quick little bugger that moves away fast.  Poor thing....

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